3 ♥ Akemi's blog ♥: November 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

I'm addicted and I love!!!

Everyone gave me the question mark face when I said I dance "DANCEHALL"~

It was originated from Jamaica, where they just dance anything freely to the music. Its like a very random thing but the dance is just like in their blood and it can just flow freely wherever the music are played. Its like a party dance!!

So what I'm so addicted and love that I wanna blog?

It is this amazing dancer, LAURE COURTELLEMONT -
that always got me so inspired!!


This is just one of her videos~

She is just so good at it and every time I watched her video, it just make me wanna dance too!! The posture and her style is just so nice!!!

Lastly, and randomly, I'm also sooooooooo addicted to the song in the video~

Mavado ft Stacious- Come into my Room

Ok, It just a random confession~ 

Thank you for reading!!  =D

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Back to reality

Hello everybody...I'm BACK from Hong kong!!! Ok, I'm actually back on Tuesday already. The trip was fun, ate a lot of stuff *mega fat fat* . But because its turning winter soon, all the clothes they have were winter wear, therefore, I'm unable to get a lot of stuff. No doubt, It's still fun though. =)

I'll blog more in details for the trip in another post. However, today I'm gonna share my new blog that I owned. In that blog, I'll share all my SECRET RECIPE!!

If you don't know, I'm actually a lover for baking. BUT, I CANT COOK FOR NUTS!!! no joke. I just know how to cook maggi mee only like recently!! YAH!! RECENTLY at the age of 24~ =(

I actually started baking since when i'm like 11 -12 years old? I learnt it from my aunt when I stayed at her house during school breaks. Slowly, I started baking at home after the boy gave me an oven for my 21st birthday present~ I've bake a few stuff before and I decided to SHARE!!

You can check out my baking blog at:

 CHECK OUT NOW!!! I've actually shared my first recipe for the GRADIENT PANDAN CAKE!!

INTERESTING?!?! VISIT NOW!! ----> http://akemicanbake.blogspot.sg

Thank you for reading..

Monday, November 5, 2012

Dance & me...

Hello people!! =)
Last Saturday, we have had our 2nd vetting for the recital in Oschool. It was quite bad. I can't feel my team at all even for the 2nd try. Quite sad to say... And I'm not sure why I can't bring up the confidence level too.

After vetting, we continued our usual dance practice, where Carol also changed bits and pieces for the choreography. New back roll stunts... and for a moment, I gave up thinking I will not be able to do it. Because last year May actually tried and teach me but I can't do it. BUT, who knows, I quietly tried it very slowly and.... tada!! I DID IT!!! very shocking still...


** However, when try with the song, I failed...LOL..

The super duper long dance practice ended.. and while I'm bathing, I began to think about dance and me..LOL~ *very random one*

and I thought..

"If I had continued dancing since primary school (I used to be a Chinese dancer in school), how far will I be today?"

Doing all the stunts for reggae will it be easy peasy for me? Considering I'm trained on the stunts back in primary school.

Back then, we are trained to do the "bridge"..


.. from standing position to the "bridge" and walked in this pose...

Also, splits...


... In any directions.. Front or sides, slow or fast..

Will I be able to do it without any difficulties if I had continue dancing then?? and the question came back to..

"If I did not fall on my back when I'm primary 5, will I still be dancing then??"

If I do not have any back injury complication, will I still dance?? This is a question I guess I will never get an answer. And is something that I regretted very very very much. It also takes me quite a few years to come to realize either than drawing/design, dance is also my everything.

My tears dropped when my design failed or rejected and I teared too when I failed to get in recital last year. Its everything to me. When I'm happy or sad, dancing just makes me happy and forgets everything. For a few years I've built the confidence and strive to be where I am today in dance.

"LOOK~ I'm performing again after so long??!!!"  YET, this happiness does not stay long.

I really really really really hope, it does not end here because I still can't give up dancing yet. PLEASE DON'T TAKE DANCE AWAY FROM ME!! At least not now...

Alright, I'm not sure what I'm writing now... probably just some messed up, random thoughts that I wanted to rant.. I've been moody these days because I've been having tough fight with myself. But at least I know, even if it is my last performance, I wanted to give my best shot and enjoy every moments of it! And no matter what, I'll try to go back dance again!!

Like the picture above, " NO!! I MUST DANCE!!"

- signing off -
** please CLICK on the ads on the right or top if you saw any**

Friday, November 2, 2012

I'm flying on a jet plane during our 4th anniversary!!!

Whoohoo... I'm flying off again next week...


Because firstly, it is to a country I never been to~ HONG KONG!!
And I always wanted to visit the place because I love the scenes in HK drama! The old old streets.. shops signage all over the place.. their old old cafes.. OMG!! Just thinking about it make me excited~ *mountain tortoise mood on*

Secondly, we are flying on OUR 4TH ANNIVERSARY!!!
Downside is, this is the boy's company annual trip so its not just us going but with all his colleagues.  But who cares, as long we are going together it makes no difference for me~ Hahaha...

The excitement of celebrating our anniversary on another plot of land is just great! PLUS, its free for him and I'm only paying at a minimum price for something premium *giam siap to the max*~ Its a stone killing 2 birds!! 

Now, because its our first trip to HK, any tips for me? Like its budget? What to expect and stuff? OR what should I avoid?

I really really can't wait for next week! ARRRRrrr...I'm just too excited about it.

Ok, enough of the blabbering and I shall get back to work.. Shhhhhh.... I'm at work now blogging.. Xp