3 ♥ Akemi's blog ♥: January 2013

Sunday, January 27, 2013

[Sponsored Post] the new Samsung Laundry Eco Bubble Technology!

Samsung has been around for a long time, recently, there are hypes in their smart phones and technologies. NOW, they even have laundry Eco bubble technology! OMG! Like a ECO friendly washing machine?!?! Who would want to miss this?

 So how does this Eco bubble technology works?

With Eco bubble technology, not only it has better wash results, it SAVES 70% ENERGY compared to a normal 40C wash cycle!

Read here to find out more~

The additional features of the the new washing machine...

- Less vibration allow for peaceful washing

- Helps care for clothes and fabrics

- Anti-limescale element lasts up to 3 times longer

Damn good right?
Saves energy = save money , quieter and peaceful washing and most importantly care your clothes and fabrics!

EVEN "POLAR BEAR" USES IT~ Watch the video below to find out how polar bear uses it. LOL.

For more information, READ HERE

My 2013 resolutions...

I am really busy and had been traveling/away almost every weekends since the start of 2013. Of course it's not an excuse to leave this space quiet. Therefore, I'm really beginning to love 2013, as all the good things finally came to me!! And I must say I'm living to my fullest!!

However, for the first blog post of the year, I shall do an "opening" post with all the resolution shiat~HAH..

I know it's kinda late since February is just around the corner. But who cares?? Late is better than none! LOL.. most importantly,these are what I thought *erhem..* deeply *erhem..* in the past few days of 2013! And it always starts with:

"This year I must...

(1) SLIM DOWN!!!
I know I've been saying this for the past donkey years,but this year I REALLY WANNA FULFILL IT!! If not, I do not know. When I can get married ~ =| * I said I will only get married after I've slimmed down. After all it's once a life time thing and I wanna of course look pretty!! *

(2) Learn the art of saving money DILIGENTLY!!!
I see myself overspending almost every month last year and it had been choking me much. Hopefully with a better job now, I can live comfortably ($$ wise) every month.

(3) Learn Korean language...
I've always wanting to learn this language ever since I'm 18??!?! When I'm crazy over 비 then. LOL. But I truly love this language until now, and hopefully I can learn it by this year and able to watch all my Korean drama without the subs. BUT, it only can happen if I fulfilled my point #2 resolution above. =/ 

(4) Travel to more countries...
I love exploring new and different things! If time permits and my point #2 resolution fulfilled, I wish I could travel to countries I've yet been to!

* Slowly, I have been travelling since Jan , and I realized its not only about exploring but also about capturing the beautiful structures of the building and pictures which Singapore don't have.*

(5) Buy a good camera!!
Ever since my camera spoil early last year, I've been living without camera for the longest time!  All this while, I'm using my S3 for everything! camera, videos for my nail tutorial. But a phone is still a phone, it can't work like a camera that I wanted it to be. Hopefully I'm able to invest in one good and proper camera for all the pictures and nail tutorials!

Similarly and sadly, It is also linked to my point #2 resolution. 

Of course there are many more hopes for the year to be listed. But the above 5 are still my major ones and I really want to aim and get it!! But it seems like If I fulfilled my #2 resolution, The remaining resolutions don't seems to be a trouble anymore~ Haha..

May all my powers unite and make these happen!!

With love,