3 ♥ Akemi's blog ♥: August 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wow~ 2 months of dust...

Hello everybody...

WOW!!! I saw a 2 months thick dust in this space.... Arrrr... blame on my laziness...

BUT I do have a lot to share!! :
* my FIRST big dance performance last week...

* my second BKK trip with loads of good buys..

* DIY tutorial on acid denims...

* 2 nail tutorials for leopard print & lace (you will know if you always been following me on twitter)

* the best app for android!! Not sure if I mentioned before, but I have ditched apple for Samsung...

* my new blogshop with my gf... and I'm preparing to open another shop for my handmade stuff, before I could not contain myself...LOL, but need to sort out my time first... Xp

* there are alot more things that I cant recall now... BUT most importantly... I change a new job!!!

SO.... the list above is to remind me to blog about them before I get too lazy about it... So yeah!!!! wait for my updates for the above!!!


See ya soon!!! <3 p="p">